News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Germany Blocks the Delivery of Military Parts to Russia 4 nytimes
Squirrel-kicking video under investigation by Grand Canyon officials 0 independent
Suicides, mass killings, murders and manslaughter prompt counselling for South Korea's under-pressure soldiers 0 independent
'Lights Out' ends day of WW1 centenary commemorations 29 bbc
Gaza ceasefire: a first step towards tackling more intractable problems 1 guardian
Spot the difference: Camerons pose for holiday photos at fish market – again 1 guardian
Samsung re-uses 'child labour' firm but cuts business by 30% 1 bbc
4 Young Men Head for Iraq, Citing Fight for Islam, and India Wonders if More Will Follow 2 nytimes
Gaza ceasefire gives Rafah residents chance to return to ruined homes 0 guardian
Soldiers deployed in Sierra Leone and Liberia to contain Ebola outbreak 0 guardian
Haute dogs, fried pickles and savoury doughnuts: how Britain fell in love with midwestern food 0 guardian
Ukraine Rebels Conscript ‘Punishment Brigades’ for Support Work 1 nytimes
BMJ 'right' in statins claims row 3 bbc
Ebola trial drug given to 'improving' US aid workers 3 bbc
Bradford fraud probe free school head teacher dismissed 0 bbc
Emergency shelters for border-crossing children to close 0 bbc