News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Oklahoma set to execute two inmates using untested drug cocktail 0 guardian
Spanish govt to face court after top policing award given to the Virgin Mary 0 guardian
Cold comfort: the Syrian refugees trying to make a new life in Sweden 0 guardian
Colombia deploys military might to crush farmers' strike before election 0 guardian
Building the Picture: Architecture in Painting review – a show to change the way you look at art 0 guardian
Energy-saving tips in old homes: everything you need to know 0 guardian
Vote blue, smoke green: should the Tories go for the stoner vote? 0 guardian
Tour de France women's race winner to be greeted by podium boys' kisses 0 guardian
So 'debonair' George has been 'tamed', while 'tragic' Jen was 'saved' – no surprise there 2 guardian
Zimbabwe: Tsvangirai 'expels' Tendai Biti from MDC 2 bbc
Online trolls battled by Swedish law firm 0 independent
Yemen army launches major al-Qaeda offensive in south 0 bbc
Vince Cable defends Royal Mail sale price to MPs 0 bbc
What climate denial, oil addiction and xenophobia have in common: Neocons 2 guardian
Lenny Henry racism row candidate quits UKIP 1 bbc
Former Tory MP Mercer to be suspended from Commons 1 bbc