News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Pakistan: PM's gas connection cut over unpaid bills 1 bbc
Aloysius Hackett killing: Son jailed for life 1 bbc
Chibok abductions: Nigeria girls' taken abroad' 2 bbc
Ann Maguire stabbing: Teacher due to retire 5 bbc
Hillsborough disaster press coverage was odious, victim's family tell inquest 1 guardian
Cliven Bundy and the entitlement of the privileged 0 washpo
Claims of Syrian chemical attacks to be investigated by international watchdog 0 washpo
Anne Maguire murder: Floral tributes show generations of love for an inspirational teacher 0 independent
Honouring Sasha the dog is a grand example of human generosity 0 guardian
LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling faces possible indefinite suspension 0 guardian
Leeds teacher Ann Maguire would not have wanted metal detectors – head 0 guardian
Why I love … the depiction of the favela in City of God 2 guardian
Disarray in eastern Ukraine as protest is attacked, mayor is shot 1 washpo
Rochdale reacts to Cyril Smith sex abuse allegations 0 bbc
Mass breastfeeding protest at Sports Direct in Nottingham 0 bbc
So 'debonair' George has been 'tamed', while 'tragic' Jen was 'saved' – no surprise there 1 guardian