News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Debt charity reports big rise in payday loan problems 0 bbc
European Parliament Approves Tough Rules on Electronic Cigarettes 2 nytimes
Kepler telescope bags huge haul of planets 5 bbc
Alice Herz-Sommer, concert pianist and Holocaust survivor, dies at 110 0 washpo
Thousands at risk of domestic violence 0 independent
Sol LeWitt: Your Mind is Exactly That Line – review 0 guardian
Coalition 'must treble minimum emissions target to stay credible' 0 guardian
Vladimir Putin can inflict a costly revenge on Ukraine 0 guardian
One Direction's Louis Tomlinson makes his Doncaster Rovers debut 2 guardian
Qantas to cut 5,000 jobs after A$252m half-year loss 1 bbc
Carnaval could sap Venezuela protests 2 washpo
Kerry warns Russia that military action in Ukraine could lead to international backlash 0 washpo
On The Runs: Peter Robinson gives government deadline 1 bbc
Minimum wage: Low Pay Commission backs a 3% increase 6 bbc
European Parliament Approves Tough Rules on Electronic Cigarettes 1 nytimes
Britain should keep open possibility of joining euro, says Labour frontbencher 1 guardian