News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Children injured in car crash as they cross road in south Wales 4 guardian
AntonĂ­n Kohout obituary 1 guardian
Aleksei German obituary 1 guardian
Symantec discovers 2005 US computer virus attack on Iran nuclear plants 1 guardian
The crimes of the Catholic church: not in our names 1 guardian
Bitcoin currency value reaches record high of $147 before plunging down 2 guardian
Do below-the-line commenters have the right to remove their own comments? 1 guardian
Classing Britain: why defining social status is so difficult 2 guardian
Morocco teens held for kissing photo on Facebook 0 bbc
Jimmy Savile's extraordinary access to Margaret Thatcher detailed in secret files 6 guardian
Grumpy Cat goes from strength to strength 1 guardian
Shaming Chinese hackers won't work because cyber-espionage is here to stay 1 guardian
Australian wildfires rage despite fall in temperature 6 guardian
Australian wildfires rage despite fall in temperature 6 guardian
New portrait of Queen to go on first class stamps 1 guardian
Energy suppliers held back gas during UK shortage 3 guardian