News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Experience: I was swallowed by a hippo 1 guardian
Opera House anniversary strengthens Danish-Australian ties 2 guardian
Councils 'failing special educational needs children' 1 guardian
Women's vote carries Obama to victory on historic election night 5 guardian
Pope Francis welcomes Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI back to the Vatican 5 guardian
Olympic jobs boost as government hails rise in foreign investment 6 guardian
US special forces told not to fly to Benghazi in wake of attack – diplomat 4 guardian
Kate topless photos: French police raid Closer magazine offices 7 guardian
Free Syrian Army rebels defect to Islamist group Jabhat al-Nusra 4 guardian
Barack Obama doesn't need Bill Clinton's support. He needs his luck 5 guardian
Hosni Mubarak sentenced to life in prison 10 guardian
Pakistan bombings: Quetta death toll over 100 6 guardian
Abdullah al-Senussi: spy with secrets of Lockerbie bombing sent back to Libya 6 guardian
Sugar and salt levels in food so high food firms 'must face legal curbs' 6 guardian
West coast mainline fiasco: ministers and senior civil servants 'not to blame' 7 guardian
Philippines orders trespassing clan out of Malaysia 5 guardian