News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Small people, not big processes 4 guardian
British diplomat loses sight after mugging at London cemetery 6 guardian
Giving Tuesday encourages shoppers to spread the word and share the wealth 3 guardian
Afghan elite ransacked $900m from Kabul Bank, inquiry finds 3 guardian
Bollywood breaks boundaries with the release of Talaash 4 guardian
Bradley Manning: marine commander warned detention was inappropriate 5 guardian
Bernhard Schlink: being German is a huge burden 3 guardian
How to email a Cherokee 3 guardian
Bradley Manning in good spirits ahead of court-martial in WikiLeaks case 4 guardian
Enrico Letta nominated as Italy's new prime minister 4 guardian
Church of England end three days of talks with no new archbishop 3 guardian
Where hurricanes happen more and more 3 guardian
Haiti seeks $2bn to fight cholera outbreak blamed on UN soldiers 3 guardian
Man handed out cocaine by mistake to trick-or-treat children 3 guardian
Derby day tribute 3 guardian
Hurricane Sandy: Haiti in emergency aid plea as disaster piles upon disaster 3 guardian