News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Trump to amend golf resort plans 0 bbc
Sunbed operators try to stop ban 1 bbc
Bush begins tour of Middle East 1 bbc
Longer terror limit 'unnecessary' 1 bbc
Clinton fights on after victory 8 bbc
China quake 'worse than expected' 1 bbc
Football fans flock to Manchester 4 bbc
Thai premier in Burma aid talks 2 bbc
China quake 'worse than expected' 0 bbc
Hospitals' care standards 'vary' 1 bbc
Freud work sets new world record 3 bbc
Clinton fights on after victory 7 bbc
Curfew imposed after India blasts 10 bbc
Football fans flock to Manchester 3 bbc
Brown to set out future programme 1 bbc
Files released on UFO sightings 2 bbc