News Article Title Version Source Discovered
New drugs 'could halve treatment' 0 bbc
Crystal Palace 1-0 Sunderland 0 bbc
Lawro's predictions 0 bbc
Shops braced for last-minute rush 2 bbc
Gilchrist upbeat on Aussie future 1 bbc
Hopes for end to fog travel chaos 1 bbc
Christmas themes fill newspapers 0 bbc
McGrath to retire after World Cup 1 bbc
Shops braced for last-minute rush 1 bbc
UN set to vote on Iran sanctions 0 bbc
Palestinian aid plan is extended 0 bbc
Archbishop attacks Iraq strategy 0 bbc
Sudan 'to accept UN Darfur force' 1 bbc
Shops braced for last-minute rush 0 bbc
Castro absent from Cuba assembly 3 bbc
Court halves Exxon spill damages 2 bbc