News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Delhi shop protests turn violent 0 bbc
Five-times-salary mortgage offer 10 bbc
Italy considers Mafia crackdown 0 bbc
Plant clean-up 'deformed babies' 0 bbc
Quatermass creator dies, aged 84 0 bbc
A tan to die for 0 bbc
US mid-terms at-a-glance: 31 October 4 bbc
Prisons 'bursting at the seams' 1 bbc
Israel launches major Gaza raid 5 bbc
Specialist schools cause division 3 bbc
NHS staff rally over health cuts 5 bbc
Doctors 'most trusted profession' 0 bbc
Tribute plan for radar inventor 1 bbc
New probe into judge's fire death 2 bbc
Dissidents 'behind bomb attacks' 6 bbc
NHS staff rally over health cuts 4 bbc