News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Brazil arrests German conman over pseudo-science fraud 0 bbc
Silvio Berlusconi: 'No plans to stand in 2013' 0 bbc
Frank Cottrell Boyce wins children's fiction prize 0 bbc
Israel Seizes Activist Ship en Route to Gaza Strip 6 nytimes
iPad mini features: what tablet users like – and what the analysts say 17 guardian
Former Goldman Sachs board member jailed for two years 0 bbc
Super Puma inquiry finds helicopter fault 1 bbc
GCHQ chief expresses regret at treatment of Alan Turing 13 guardian
We must stop protecting the rich from market forces 0 guardian
US presidential debates by the numbers 0 guardian
Donald Trump wants Barack Obama to publish his college and passport records but won't reveal his own 0 guardian
Greek parliament in chaos over revised bailout plan 0 guardian
Savile fallout: former BBC chief 'expects to be grilled' for New York Times post 0 guardian
Russian Opposition Figure Says Abductors Threatened His Children 1 nytimes
Prisoners will not get the vote, says David Cameron 9 bbc
Apple-Samsung trial: court fines both companies for patent breaches 3 guardian